Sunday, November 23, 2008

What Tempterature Do You Bake Sausage In The Oven

panel>>> BID_08

programming> 08_ MADRID BID

Figure in Latin America

Day: November 28, 2008
Time: 19:00
Venue: Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) - See Larra
C / Larra, 14

Speakers: Pep Carrio (Spain), Peter Mussfeld (Ecuador), Alejandro Rios (Argentina)
Teresa Mulet (Venezuela) , Patricio Pozo (Chile)
Presents: Alejandro Castillo / DIMAD

Venezuela designed

Day: November 27, 2008


Location: School of Art 10.
Speakers: Carlos Rodríguez, Ignacio Urbina, Joaquin Urbina, César
Elster, Alejandro Calzadilla and Manuel González Ruiz (Figure Factory).
Teresa Mulet.
Presents: José Miguel Celestino Mur / DIMAD.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Value Barbara Weber Paintings

out of register> ®

out of register> design portal # more-235

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moonstone Ring From Twilight

BID_08 useful type. font_t ®


How Can I Find Hussyfan

BID_08. useful ® type

Iberoamericano design arrives in Madrid
22 countries together at the I Bienal Iberoamericana Design

Madrid, October .- For the first time the big names Latin American design space and share experiences. 22 countries participate in the First Latin American Biennial of Design (BID), organized by the Designers Association of Madrid (DIMAD) sponsored and co-organization of the Fundación Banco Santander, which will take place in Madrid Slaughterhouse Design Central.

Between days November 24 and December 4, 2008 will be held the activities of the I Iberoamerican Biennial of Design, whose exhibition will run until February 15, 2009. IDB
Exposition opened on Wednesday, November 26, 2008.

consolidated figures and young talents from different fields of design (design and interior spaces, industrial or product design, graphic design, fashion and textile design and digital design) bring new ideas to a world of constant renewal. Therefore it does not arise as an appointment-only designers, but for society as a whole. The IDB seeks to highlight and strengthen proposals representative, outstanding and innovative design in Latin America.

BID The Exhibition of 08 works collected from different categories, made in the past 20 years by established and emerging designers from all Latin American countries. Have a total of 316 projects and over 250 participants. You can see a sample of student work from about 50 training centers Latin American design.

Furthermore, different areas of Madrid is also full of design, such as Casa de America, which will host the exhibition Kabum! Mix, an exhibition of posters made by children of the favelas the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia and Recife from workshops coordinated by Felipe Taborda and Alain Le Quernec. The themes developed by the exhibition is "Water", "Human Rights" and "Early Pregnancy."

For its part, the Museum of Decorative Arts will display one work of furniture designers dedicated to Cristian Valdés (Chile), Sergio Rodrigues (Brazil) and Ximo Roca (Spain).

also echoes the IDB the Institute of Mexico in Spain with his exposure Transit Cases: Chairs from Mexico, organized by the Directorate General of Cultural Affairs of the Secretariat of External Relations of Mexico. The sample consists of 23 works consisting of a group of chairs whose formal and conceptual solutions draw a map of the customs in Mexico, while contrasting designs of mid-twentieth century and contemporary designs.

Exposition in Madrid Slaughterhouse Design Central will be open free of charge from the November 26, 2008 until February 15, 2009 (Monday to Saturday, from 11 to 21 hours. Sundays and holidays, 10-15 hours. P th of the poplar, 14).

parallel, the IDB meeting area, there will be lectures, debates and lectures that enable dialogue and meetings between professionals, students, companies and all those interested in learning about Latin American artists which propose an emerging field in their societies, in which names appear increasingly relevant. These activities will take place in Madrid Slaughterhouse Design Centre and other venues as House of America, the School of Art 10, European University of Madrid and the Istituto Europeo di Design, from 24 November to 4 December 2008.

This event is held every two years in Madrid, Madrid Slaughterhouse Design Centre, and aims to become the most important meeting of Latin American contemporary design, that is, we think, do and produce in Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
Advisory Committee and Sponsors

An advisory committee consisting of prominent design professionals (designers, teachers, coordinators and directors of Centers and Schools of Design), from 14 Latin American countries (Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, Portugal, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Cuba and Dominican Republic) signed in November 2007, during the IDB meeting in July, the Madrid Declaration, a document that reflects the ideals of this announcement.

The Advisory Committee has been composed by Ruben Fontana and Adrian Lebendiker, Argentina, Félix Beltrán and Oscar Salinas Mexico; Peter Mussfeldt, Ecuador, Alberto Corazón, Manuel Estrada and Frank Memelsdorff, Spain; Henrique Cayatte, Joao Machado and Francisco Providência, Portugal, Marita Quiroz, Peru, Giovanni Vannucchi and Ruth Klotzel, Brazil, Gonzalo Castillo and Carlos Hinrichsen, Chile; Celeste Prieto, Paraguay, Ivan Cortes and Dicken Castro, Colombia, Carlos Rodríguez, Álvaro Sotillo and Ignacio Urbina, Venezuela, Oscar Pamies, Costa Rica, Jose Cuendias, Cuba, and Stephen Kaplan, Dominican Republic.

For its part, the Committee has selected the work of the Exhibition BID 08 and students and single samples was composed by Felix Beltran Henrique Cayatte, Rubén Fontana, Carlos Hinrichsen, Ruth Klotzel, Alberto Corazón, Antonio Pernas and Manuel Estrada.
The Bienal Iberoamericana of Design (BID) has the support of the Government of Spain: Ministry of Foreign Affairs / AECI (English Agency for International Development Cooperation), Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Secretary of State for Latin America, the Ministry Culture and the Ministry of Science and Innovation / ddi (Society for the Development of Design and Innovation) and with the support of the SEGIB (Secretaría General Iberoamericana), Casa de America, the Institute of Mexico in Spain, the City Council Madrid and Latin American diplomatic missions.

Friday, October 10, 2008

How To Fix A Leaky Fire Sprinkler

words between processes> teresa mulet paper. 6 visionaries

teresa mulet paper

six visionaries communication
13 and October 14, 2008
cultural center Corpgroup

Monday, September 22, 2008

Croscill Patterns On Wikipedia

I changed into blender Testing Wordpress

For that, I switch to wordpress, I hope, some time ago but I told him I agreed and went through this neighborhood of bogspot,: P

If someone sees me here writing to tell and I'm not going to do it: P


Link to the new blog ->

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Electro Song, Has Diarrhea In Lyrics

useful type of communication in the biennial Iberoamerican ® design

Lip Balm Counter Display Box


photos hendrick monroy

Balck And White Comforters


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Chopper Bicycle Walmart


Well, as the title has given me to try blender and follow a few tutorials, I especially liked some tutorials which I learned many things quite well and, at the same time you took some laughter, I leave bond if you are interested in someone TUTORIALS .

Here you have been doing that and I have been pretty cool for my taste, plus throw them in just some hours in 2 or 3 days. There is nothing special, but it is nice (for migusto enn, does not have to like you at all: P)


This is the most feilla, but the way it was in principle a flat image and became 3D: P

This is not yet finished, but parts are a little castle I build: P

My beloved Cube Rubik's ("do not tell me not they cool??: P)

Greetings! Hope you like it: D

Friday, September 12, 2008

Green Bloch Dance Sneakers

The LHC uses a New

Hello, today I come to speak about the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) which has been much talk lately.

The Large Hadron Collider uses an optimized version of Linux called CernVM, because Windows Vista slowed down a lot. Linux manages 15 petabytes (what you normally have at home we) between 100,000 CPUs worldwide, whether for a project of this category use linux, something better ...


PD: Well, I leave silly over here too, someone has been very cool and has dedicated a montonazo time to create this great page that tells you in real time if the LHC has already loaded the world or not -> CLICK HERE TO KNOW
Source: Internet News

Friday, September 5, 2008

Pre Trade Courses Ontario

linux game linux

Yo Frankie! is the title of this great free game using stunning graphics, have recently completed the development phase and are now checking the operation and have released two versions for users to be tested, that you may see some videos I leave this link http : / / and for those who want to download the game and test just how / on this page ta, are also links to the videos, but I did put it twice ilu: P

Greetings! Hope you like it.

PD: linux people say that no games, this is only the beginning: P

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Long Does Pubic Hair Grow

As confuse an idiot

I could not help put it, via

. php? / weblog / posts / confusing_idiots /

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ibd Gel Troubleshooting

Running Compiz with your ATI

To rular Compiz-Fusion (Beryl developments) have to do the following:

Edit the file "/ etc/X11/xorg.conf"
$ sudo gedit / etc/X11/xorg.conf and add

the end the following excerpt:
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "1" EndSection

If you already had something similar but instead of "1" Composite, had "0" (ie, the composition off), turn it on by putting a "1" to make it as above.

The part of Xorg is now complete.

Now, we must tell Compiz-Fusion that your drivers are able to work with AIGLX. You have to put your drivers on the white list. Before, the driver "fglrx" could not stand the effects of composition and how the new drivers have not yet considered stable, they remain on the blacklist of Compiz-Fusion.

To change this, edit "/ etc / xdg / compiz / compiz-manager"
$ sudo gedit / etc / xdg / compiz / compiz-manager and walk

WhiteList = "fglrx"

If the file does not exist, believe it and go.

Now, once you restart the X, you should be able to use the desktop effects with no problem.
Ctrl + Alt + BACKSPACE (delete key: P)

PS You better configure your Compiz-Fusion already installed from a terminal like the following:
$ sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager

saludoss !

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Compression Garments Loose Skin

As the title indicates the stickers are available, but before to catch them is to read a few short notes before I leave here with her, I made a photo copy that after the board was too lazy to write me again: P

so you can see I have followed the Here I leave instructions with photos of how it has been customized my laptop, am, not flipeis, sure yours is better: P
not look very good, if you want to see it with better quality, if you are interested, a cell phone again with better camera would not hurt: P

the one I like is the worst we can see, pygame, but I will make a picture where leave it alone: \u200b\u200bP


The Best 3ccd Camcorder Value Of All Time

Templates Stickers available free software for almost every taste

Nothing this morning in sugus I loaded the windows key on my laptop, I've lined up the flag that is no longer visible, however, has erased danigm and scratches drawn with the A, Arch Linux, nothing, so I thought I could hit a girl pegatinita debain or a penguin, I proposed danigm, and we made a template for printing so that everyone can cover your windows Teclita at will, and part, to decorate your notebook. This is the result ->

Here we have larger, more suitable for printing : P

Danigm is working to make sugus logo.


Monday, June 2, 2008

My Daughters Gums Are Bleeding


Group / Artist: Ska-P

1. Are you male or female?: Laboratory animals

2. Describe: Metro

Eskoria 3. What people say about you?: Shame

4. How would you describe your previous relationship?: Insensitive

5. Describe your current relationship: Do not stand

6. Where do you want to be now?: My colleagues

7. How do you feel about love?: The fly cojonera

8. How is your life: Welcome To Hell

9. What more do you need?: Cannabis (mama this is a joke, you know: P)

10. What are you afraid: Cults (although I'm used SUGUS: P)

11. A wise sentence: You are a more

Monday, May 26, 2008

Best Value Hdmi Receiver 2009

Test The Pentultimate

I come to tell you about the peultimate, the rubikeros will be aware of this news, but for those who do not want to be even or take a look here it is ->

This objetito rotating Rubik's cube type like crazy but the novelty of now, the faces will be impressed that you have that and the difficulty that to have the gadget. If anyone is curious as we have done here I leave a link than we have done step by step, as I said before, insane: P

Friday, May 23, 2008

120/55 Queens Blvd Kew Garden

A new company offers trips to the moon

Virgin Galactic has for some time been the only private company offering trips to space in the near future, now XCOR Aerospace announced suborbital flights that can take people (or load) high enough to experience weightlessness.

The ship used is called Lynx, tours last approximately 30 minutes (from takeoff to landing) and be cheaper than the $ 200 000 per person calls Virgin Galactic, but not yet announced a final price.

The first flight would take place in 2010. Link to

News XCOR taken from ->

Well, after seeing this I hope Nos sound silly, it's a little trip to the moon, if they start in 2010, by 2012 their flights to the moon be a bit cheaper prices and I think we can afford that viajecillo, I say in advance for people will save.

saludoss !!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

In Larged Stomachs In Older Woman

pixwar The game is cool Mogollon

I leave you with a youtube video that you see as the game goes and I leave the download link: P tar.gz

saludoss! Hope you like

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Rabbit Puppet- Hit The Road Jack

Today the penguin thing made SUGUS

Only you have some photos and these dogs today and do not want to write a lot:

Well, if anyone has some more pictures loose out there please tell me or send it to me: P
