Monday, May 26, 2008

Best Value Hdmi Receiver 2009

Test The Pentultimate

I come to tell you about the peultimate, the rubikeros will be aware of this news, but for those who do not want to be even or take a look here it is ->

This objetito rotating Rubik's cube type like crazy but the novelty of now, the faces will be impressed that you have that and the difficulty that to have the gadget. If anyone is curious as we have done here I leave a link than we have done step by step, as I said before, insane: P

Friday, May 23, 2008

120/55 Queens Blvd Kew Garden

A new company offers trips to the moon

Virgin Galactic has for some time been the only private company offering trips to space in the near future, now XCOR Aerospace announced suborbital flights that can take people (or load) high enough to experience weightlessness.

The ship used is called Lynx, tours last approximately 30 minutes (from takeoff to landing) and be cheaper than the $ 200 000 per person calls Virgin Galactic, but not yet announced a final price.

The first flight would take place in 2010. Link to

News XCOR taken from ->

Well, after seeing this I hope Nos sound silly, it's a little trip to the moon, if they start in 2010, by 2012 their flights to the moon be a bit cheaper prices and I think we can afford that viajecillo, I say in advance for people will save.

saludoss !!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

In Larged Stomachs In Older Woman

pixwar The game is cool Mogollon

I leave you with a youtube video that you see as the game goes and I leave the download link: P tar.gz

saludoss! Hope you like

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Rabbit Puppet- Hit The Road Jack

Today the penguin thing made SUGUS

Only you have some photos and these dogs today and do not want to write a lot:

Well, if anyone has some more pictures loose out there please tell me or send it to me: P


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Age Of Empires 3 Patch No Cd Brazilian

projects appear in the newspapers

which is not to start talking first, but Sweett that I have not ever written, I will start talking about it, Sweett was born in a strange way, thanks to Enjuto Mojamuto, and his video of "followers, followers, twitter , twitter. " As Tuitt was not free danigm decided to implement a free version but better, putting a little something that had to improve running times because there are wars such risk with them, I speak of Karma and its positive or negative votes: P

I leave here writing the story of the "Country", which came the following news:
"Sweett is also open source. He was born in December last year in the surroundings of the Association of Free Software Users University of Seville, to the amusement of his friends and acquaintances. And so it goes, being the geek of the English services microblogging "

The other project, Pro Evolution Chapping , which has participated in the Free Software University Contest, being first to a local award and receiving a special mention in the finals. This project has come in the newspaper "El Mundo", I leave a photograph of the strip:


Thursday, May 8, 2008

How To Adjust Snowmobile Suspension


I leave an image of a keyboard all cool and personalized boring a great person to be entertained Customize. : P

Also I leave here a picture of a foosball table to play all team members, and when I say team, I mean a football team, count if you do not believe there for 11 people: P

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Look Inside Of A Vajina

Howto build a custom home touchpad

Spectacular video howto on how to make a touchpad home, perhaps you from wanting to make one, maybe the time will soon be free to have me go and try to clamp something like: P


tennis other even more cool ->


Monday, May 5, 2008

Sample Artist Cover Letterto Gallery


This promotion is supposed to, but Fiat does not pay (if you're here I am and accept enn).
Well, that video is the ostia and see and you shall divide the ass, xDDDDD


Fun Baby Congratulations

The FIAT ad famous "Hello World" in 366 different programming languages \u200b\u200b

Somebody's boring and would have collected as a "Hello World" in different programming languages, a total of 366, left you a link anyone interested in learning how different languages \u200b\u200bare done in the "Hello World " or just to mess with Visual Basic as the code of the "Hello World" is too long, you can also praise Python, which makes it just a line, all consumer tastes, ui forgiveness, like the developer: P

Here you have the link ->

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Print Email Gmail Without Headers

Well, look at that most beautiful doll invented by Buddhists
I know

I'm going to buy my mother to tap the pins, you you could do the same, as given by function and IE dies: P: P: P Is that truly gives me a pity that there are still people who continue to use that thing: S: S


What Should Do To Help My Newborn With Phlegm

IE Voodoo Doll The playaaaa! Patapon

Yesterday was a perfect day and I here at home dying of disgust and studying, when suddenly the phone rings and I get a big question (for these silly you already know the answer: P) Did you come to the beach?
I was already looking biniki, towel and crema, good, and the cards can not be missed. Another thing you can not miss is the food, buy a loaf pan and I made a few sandwiches, and TO PLAYAAA. Today Sunday

I write that yesterday I had a great day at the beach and I had a crazy, and today also go to the beach, I hope to repeat or better than yesterday, but difficult to see it: P


PS cualgue perhaps a photo, but that I make today better than I bury in the sand, I'll make a great travel pa BUJERO put me over.

PD2: not that while I was writing this has given me a weird feeling at the end I can not go to the beach, sorry, ye will not the picture that would hang from my buried: D

Friday, May 2, 2008

How To Wear A Black Sequin Mini Skirt

Today I
making publicity for Sony and the PSP game Patapon has not paid me anything you advertise, although it could drop something: P

Well, what was, to me I lose my head and end you just talking about when I threw in a cup of wine.
As you see, the name of the game contains only two little words from which the dolls contained in the claim, and PON PATA, because they are also DON and CHAKA, you can not miss hearing the songs of the dolls, I took wallowing on the floor half an hour after listening to the singing dolls, I leave a link for a look and you hecheis jugueis way to a demo that is on the Internet:

go in and listen, if you see will be lost a bit of free life that I leave, and they say they laugh prolongs life. Okay boys, do not you want to lengthen the life you want to lengthen else, we'll see in another chapter if I find something worthy of the penis: P Well then, play a bit and life will win. I leave a picture, but the sound is a lot prettier than the photo: P
