Saturday, May 10, 2008

Age Of Empires 3 Patch No Cd Brazilian

projects appear in the newspapers

which is not to start talking first, but Sweett that I have not ever written, I will start talking about it, Sweett was born in a strange way, thanks to Enjuto Mojamuto, and his video of "followers, followers, twitter , twitter. " As Tuitt was not free danigm decided to implement a free version but better, putting a little something that had to improve running times because there are wars such risk with them, I speak of Karma and its positive or negative votes: P

I leave here writing the story of the "Country", which came the following news:
"Sweett is also open source. He was born in December last year in the surroundings of the Association of Free Software Users University of Seville, to the amusement of his friends and acquaintances. And so it goes, being the geek of the English services microblogging "

The other project, Pro Evolution Chapping , which has participated in the Free Software University Contest, being first to a local award and receiving a special mention in the finals. This project has come in the newspaper "El Mundo", I leave a photograph of the strip:



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